Designer Interview

By: FashWire
Nov 28, 2022 04:53 PM

When did you know you wanted to become a designer?

From long as I can remember, I have always been completely fascinated with the intricate process of designing. I remember as I was growing up, my grandmother from Turkey was always working on something, whether it was knitting, crocheting, or embroidery. She was the first person to teach me how to hand sew small things, such as a button or holes in pants. I liked watching her complete projects with a casual, effortless attitude and I admired her specific skills because although I didn’t understand how to do them, I knew it was something very few people knew how to do. As I got older, I loved every aspect of being able to create the ideas in my mind into something tangible which, still to this day, is the most exciting experience I’m fortunate to live every day.


What is your earliest design memory for your brand?

I vividly remember when I landed on the name “GOLDIE.” I was at the beach, reading in the sun and as time passed, the golden hour part of the afternoon started to set in. I remember thinking to myself how much more beautiful everything looked in that lighting and how during each day at that same time it made me stop what I was doing just to watch the sun before it set for the evening. Immediately after, “GOLDIE” came to mind.


Where do you find inspiration?

I love getting inspo from the people I see throughout my day in LA. It’s very common that I’ll quickly sketch an idea that comes to mind at dinner from seeing a cool sleeve detail on a girl walking past my table or a sewing construction detail I had not thought about from someone’s pants across the way. Everything can be inspo, you just have to pay attention to the small details.


What is your favorite part about designing?

I love sketching! That’s when I am the most creative and feel like I have endless ideas. I do also love choosing new fabrics. They both go hand in hand with each other because seeing a fabric I really like sparks my initial ideas.


What was the biggest rookie mistake you made when just starting out?

At the very beginning when I was an assistant, I was given the responsibility to create all the production tech packs. I didn’t understand at the time why certain dyes required poly thread vs 100% cotton thread. I, unfortunately, did not know to change the cotton thread to poly thread for the pigment dyes which resulted in the harsh dye process breaking every single thread on every single garment. YIKES.


“Everything I do and every piece of material I use must contribute to the good of the planet.”


What is the most important thing you would like your brand to be recognized for?

Quality, one-of-a-kind garments that are made with integrity.


How would you describe your personal style?

I would say it’s very California-inspired. Meaning, I like to incorporate a casual element in everything I wear. I spent 4 years in denim design, so I have a very strong tie to denim and wear it by far the most. My daily style would consist of something like a bodycon dress with Air Force 1’s or a pair of vintage Levi’s with some sort of unique design style knit top or crop top. I’m all about my clothing being super versatile.


How would you define fashion?

Fashion is a trend. It’s very important to offer relevant pieces that capture the “fashion” market but it’s also even more important to create pieces that are timeless.


What part does sustainability play in designing for Goldie Clothing?

Sustainability is 100% at the core of Goldie. Everything I do and every piece of material I use must contribute to the good of the planet. My fabrics are sourced from deadstock, recycled, vintage, and repurposed fabrics. That goes for any labor involving my brand. I ensure ethical practices are used with each person that comes in contact with any of my products. I also have a made-to-order model to help reduce over-production waste.


How has the fashion industry changed since you first started out?

At the beginning of my career, there was a very specific way of doing things and not many companies or creative directors were open to adapting to new ideas and change. Today, I’m so excited and proud to see so many of my fellow peers moving into a more sustainable model. The industry is starting to see there is/was a major flaw with how labor workers are treated and how much the fashion industry contributes to our overall worldly pollution, so I’m always cheering on my peers that are doing amazing things that contribute to the good.


“I want GOLDIE to be an overall positive experience, not just because of the garments but also for the values it stands for.”


What can consumers expect to see next from your brand?

I am always trying to challenge myself with how I can make my collections even better than before, so they can expect to see some stand-out, super cool designs heading their way. I believe in the positivity of working with other designers and not against them, so definitely anticipate some fun and unexpected collaborations. One to anticipate is my summer collaboration with sustainable swimwear brand MOKIE SWIMWEAR. The owner/designer, Morgan is incredibly talented and I can’t wait to bring this collection to life for everyone!


Where is your favorite place to travel? Why?

My favorite place I have ever traveled to is Puerto Rico. It is full of beautifully colored buildings, warm beaches and so much history that I never wanted to leave! On a regular basis, my favorite place to travel to is Mexico. It’s a short flight from LA and I love spending time in a different culture alongside some of my best friends that live there.


Do you have a passion other than fashion or design?

I love to read! Learning new things in general keeps my mind excited.


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be?

Be patient and more kind to yourself. Take the pressure of perfection off your shoulders because it’s a very heavy burden. Enjoy and celebrate all the small wins along the way because they matter too!


What sets your brand apart from the rest?

I intentionally create design elements that are completely unexpected in the chicest but edgy way so my customers can truly have pieces that are rare and unique.


What do you envision for the future of your brand?

I envision my brand to be something aspirational for everyone. I want GOLDIE to be an overall positive experience, not just because of the garments but also for the values it stands for. I want to have an amazing team that makes amazing things and feels good about them each day!