Designer Interview

By: FashWire
Feb 23, 2024 12:20 PM
What inspired you to name your brand?
The inspiration behind the brand name "Cheeky Goats" is deeply rooted in our commitment to ethical practices. We want our customers to recognize that our luxurious cashmere fibers originate from joyous, well-cared-for goats, emphasizing our dedication to animal welfare. Unlike conventional perceptions of cashmere associated with solemn outerwear, our brand intentionally breaks away from tradition. "Cheeky Goats" encapsulates our vision of playfulness and youthfulness, presenting a vibrant and spirited image that challenges the conventional narrative of cashmere fashion. This name invites customers to embrace a new era of cashmere wear that is not only stylish but also socially conscious and full of personality.
When did you know you wanted to become a designer?
I discovered my passion for design at a very young age. As a child, I found immense joy in drawing, and my early connection with someone working in Barbie's manufacturing industry was a serendipitous influence. The abundance of Barbies and their stunning array of clothes became my creative playground. I developed a fascination for mixing and matching outfits from a young age, sowing the seeds of my interest in design. From those playful moments with Barbies, I knew that my future would be intricately woven with the world of design.
“The blend of playfulness and luxury in our designs creates a unique space where even the younger generation can find pieces that resonate with their sense of style, making cashmere a staple in every wardrobe.”
What did the beginnings of Cheeky Goats look like?
The beginnings of Cheeky Goats were marked by both excitement and the challenges inherent in launching a brand from scratch. As we navigate this initial stage, the progress has been swift but deliberate. Starting a brand involves a significant commitment, and I found myself wearing many hats, managing everything from design and sampling to development, marketing, logistics, and more. The challenge extended to reaching retailers and customers, selecting platforms strategically, and crucially, and establishing a well-planned timeline.
Fortunately, my partner played a pivotal role in keeping the momentum going. With a keen eye for progress and a talent for effective planning, he consistently checked in on the status of each aspect. While Cheeky Goats is still in its early stages, the journey has been dynamic, with each step contributing to the growth and success of the brand.
What made you want to design knitwear?
I enjoy the unique satisfaction of working with a single yarn and transforming it into a diverse range of patterns, thicknesses, and overall appearances. Knitwear allows for a level of creativity where each stitch contributes to the character and feel of the garment. The versatility of knitwear appeals to me, offering endless possibilities to craft garments that are not only visually appealing but also carry the tangible embrace of warmth.
How would you describe the style you aim for your brand?
Cheeky and playful! We would like to redefine the perception of cashmere, steering away from the traditional and classic associations of grandma's clothes. We aim to present a youthful, vibrant, and exuberant style while maintaining a touch of luxury. We want our customers to experience the joy of wearing cashmere that is not confined by age or tradition. The blend of playfulness and luxury in our designs creates a unique space where even the younger generation can find pieces that resonate with their sense of style, making cashmere a staple in every wardrobe.
How important is sustainability to your brand? What sustainable measures has Cheeky Goats taken to better the environment?
We are dedicated to upholding environmentally conscious practices in our production processes, opting for a certified factory that aligns with both ethical and environmental standards. In our commitment to a greener world, we actively pursue the goal of completely eliminating the use of plastic in all our packaging.
Moreover, our focus on using the highest quality of cashmere serves a dual purpose. Not only does it result in the production of long-lasting garments, ensuring durability and customer satisfaction, but it also contributes to reducing the waste and pollution associated with the fast fashion industry.
In essence, our sustainable measures extend across our entire supply chain and product lifecycle, reflecting our dedication to making a positive impact on the environment and fostering a more responsible and conscious approach to fashion.
What sets your brand apart from the rest?
What sets Cheeky Goats apart from the rest is our commitment to superior quality while focusing on environmental sustainability and animal welfare. Our Grade-A Cashmere yarns, sourced from Inner Mongolia and locally produced in certified factories, ensure not only the highest quality but also a reduction in carbon emissions, benefiting both our customers and the environment.
We take pride in our role in the slow fashion movement, emphasizing timeless styles infused with a modern twist. Our garments are crafted to withstand the passage of time, offering customers not just superior quality but also an enduring, contemporary aesthetic. Balancing ethics and style, Cheeky Goats is committed to delivering a fashion experience that goes beyond transient trends, allowing our customers to enjoy their wardrobe essentials for years to come.
What brand values are most important for Cheeky Goats?
The highest quality, sustainability, and attention to detail are our key brand values.
Quality is the cornerstone of our brand. We uphold the highest craftsmanship standards, creating cashmere products that are not just beautiful but also durable, delivering long-lasting excellence and luxury.
We're devoted to environmentally friendly practices, sourcing cashmere responsibly and using eco-friendly production methods to reduce our impact.
Our commitment to perfection shines in our craftsmanship and focus on the little things that make a big difference.
These values aren't just integral to our brand identity; they are the foundation that ensures Cheeky Goats thrives in the long run, offering our customers a truly exceptional and sustainable experience.
“Nature, with its ever-changing colors and textures, serves as an endless well of inspiration, shaping the aesthetic and essence of Cheeky Goats' creations.”
What is the one piece of advice you would give to a new designer?
Trusting your instincts and staying true to your vision is crucial in the creative process. It's impossible to please everyone, and trying to do so may dilute the uniqueness of your design. Ultimately, confidence in your own judgment will lead to more authentic and meaningful work.
What was your previous work experience before launching your brand?
Before launching Cheeky Goats, my previous work experience was in the cashmere industry, where I worked as a designer and later as a design director for over 10 years. This extensive experience proved to be a valuable stepping stone for creating my own brand. During this time, I developed a deep understanding of materials and techniques within the industry. I also engaged with clients to discern market needs and collaborated with manufacturers to ensure a seamless production process. This background equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary to establish and successfully run Cheeky Goats.
What was the toughest circumstance you overcame when just starting out your business?
I think the most challenging circumstance I faced when starting out with my business was deciding whether to persevere despite the overwhelming responsibilities that demanded my attention simultaneously. In the initial stages, I found myself managing every aspect of the business single-handedly, which proved to be both time-consuming and occasionally frustrating. The struggle to prioritize tasks and strive for perfection in every aspect left me unsure of where to begin. However, upon reflection, I realized that overcoming such challenges is an inherent part of the entrepreneurial journey. It became clear that the key was to develop a comprehensive plan, and then execute it diligently. In essence, I learned that embracing the challenges with a well-thought-out strategy was the pathway to success, acknowledging that no pain means no gain.
Where do you find inspiration?
Inspiration is rooted in the natural beauty surrounding our coastal town in Portugal. The abundance of nature becomes a constant muse, and every stroll down to the coast is a source of creative inspiration. The tranquility of the environment, the rhythmic sounds of the waves, and the captivating landscapes all contribute to sparking ideas and infusing our designs with a unique blend of coastal charm. Nature, with its ever-changing colors and textures, serves as an endless well of inspiration, shaping the aesthetic and essence of Cheeky Goats' creations.
If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be?
I would emphasize the importance of timelines and planning. These are fundamental elements that provide the structure and direction necessary to make meaningful progress.
Do you have a passion other than fashion or design?
Other than fashion and design, I love traveling, cooking, eating, dancing, and hiking.
What should consumers expect to see next from Cheeky Goats?
Cheeky Goats is gearing up to expand its offerings with a dedicated kids' line. There are plans to introduce family matching sets, providing a charming and cohesive style for the entire family. Furthermore, we aim to present more timeless yet cheeky garments for both women and men, enriching their daily wardrobe with a blend of fashion and playfulness.