Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Apr 27, 2021 02:56 PM

What sets your brand apart from the rest?

The different cultural background of Hungarian rural roots serves as the main source of my inspiration.


Do you find it difficult to have a brand based in Budapest? What are the perks versus the challenges?

It has both advantages and disadvantages of course. An advantage being the kind of cultural environment that is unique and cannot be found elsewhere. A disadvantage is the lack of textile industry resources and the withering relationship of Hungarians to their clothing culture.


When did you know you wanted to become a designer?

At the end of high school, I met a teacher who taught me fashion illustration, which was so liberating after the 8 years of post-socialist school classes. I have been interested in textiles since I was a child and have been collecting old Hungarian folk costume pieces for a long time; hence, my passion for fabrics.


"With each collection, the application of traditional craft techniques and timeworn fabrics carries the past into the future."


Where do you find inspiration?

Having grown up in rural Hungary, I trace the shape of this landscape and its people. Through our REMADE line of sustainable garments, the quiet force of Hungarian folklore lives on in repurposed, plant-dyed fabrics, some almost a century old. With each collection, the application of traditional craft techniques and timeworn fabrics carries the past into the future. This is how I preserve rural traditions in an urban world.


What is your earliest design memory for your brand?

The very first fashion show, which was at Budapest Central European Fashion Week in 2015.


Do you have a favorite piece that you have designed? 

I enjoy the winter season most, making my favorite items in the collection the one-of-a-kind REMADE coats, which are made from 7 different handkerchiefs I’ve collected from 7 different rural Hungarian households. They are a narrative of decomposition and they all combine the remnants of the past into the legacy of the future.


How important is social media to your brand?

Absolutely important, as these platforms are our primary communication channels to reach the target audience that is a great value to us.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to a new designer?

Stay true and persistent!


"We hope that the unsustainable hunger for consumption that characterized the past will change and people will reset their values for the future."


How did your brand navigate and overcome the pandemic in 2020?

The viral situation has hit the fashion industry hard, just like us; however, we are constantly working and optimizing our operations to respond in the most appropriate way to the situation. We hope that the unsustainable hunger for consumption that characterized the past will change and people will reset their values for the future.


What do you envision for the future of your brand?

We are a dynamically developing niche menswear brand with a great team and many plans for the future. Our goal is to make our story reach as many people in the world as possible.


How would you describe your personal style?

Dark essential.


Where is your favorite place to travel? Why?

Apart from the rural Hungarian places, I find my peace in the Slovenian coast. The flora is quite amazing. The greens are very rich and left untouched in most places. I like to mix the closeness of nature and the experience of a Mediterranean holiday.