Designer Interview

By: FashWire
Jul 21, 2023 11:12 AM

When did you know you wanted to become a designer?

From a young age, I knew I wanted to do something creative. When I was 10 years old, I started keeping a book of all my fashion sketches. Throughout high school, I made and sold jewelry to my friends, and then once I graduated, I decided to pursue fashion!


What is your earliest design memory for your brand?

I remember sitting in a tiny sewing room with “Bibi” an artisan in Indonesia whom I had become great friends with. I had just purchased a heap of fabric from a local market, and we were laying out the pattern of a pair of shorts I had designed that she was going to help me make.


What made you want to design a line of pieces for women?

I have always had a hard time shopping. I felt like I could never find exactly what I was looking for. So, I decided to create a line of my own!


“At Yireh, we have a low-waste business model where we use every inch of our fabric.”


Where do you find inspiration?

I am from Hawai’i and the ocean has always been a huge part of my lifestyle. It is where I find most of my inspiration and where I get refreshed with new ideas and motivations! If I am feeling in a design slump, going surfing often helps re-awaken my creativity!


What is your favorite part about designing?

My favorite part about designing is choosing the colors for a print and a collection. I absolutely LOVE color and finding the right pair of colors that go together to bring an outfit to life.


Do you have a favorite piece that you have designed? 

My favorite silhouette is our Brynn Dress. It is just so effortless and easy to wear for so many occasions!


What was your previous work experience before launching your brand?

Believe it or not, launching my brand was my first introduction to the fashion industry! I launched my brand at 21 years old. Before launching my brand, I was a nanny, and I did that alongside running my business before going full-time into it at 23 years old!


What brand values are the most important for Yireh?

Being ethically oriented is the most important brand value at Yireh. We believe every worker deserves a fair wage and safe working conditions! Humanity over profits!


What role does sustainability play for your brand?

Sustainability has always been a huge part of Yireh. As I mentioned, I am from a small island, so it is ingrained in me to take care of the land. At Yireh, we have a low-waste business model where we use every inch of our fabric. The tiniest pieces that cannot be used we donate to microbusinesses around the factory we partner with who then repurpose them further into new pieces to sell to their community! It is a beautiful thing! We also use digital printing as one of our printing methods, which requires no water and uses eco-friendly dyes!


“I hope to bring Yireh worldwide and insert a little slice of paradise and happiness into women’s closets everywhere.”


What sets your brand apart from the rest?

I believe Yireh is a light in the fashion industry. Our goal is to help women find and own their personal styles, feel confident when they put on an outfit, and dress for themselves! Yireh is unique because we produce in small batches and all our prints are exclusive and made just for us!


What were some hurdles you had to overcome in your business?

Well, I didn’t go to fashion school, so I had to teach myself everything from the ground up on how to run this business. The fashion industry also feels so secretive in how it’s run so, in the beginning, it was hard to figure things out. In recent years, I’ve been lucky enough to have several mentors who have taught me a lot!


What is the one piece of advice you would give to a new designer?

Design things you love and are passionate about, not only what is trendy.


How important is social media to your brand?

Social media is a very important part of my brand! It’s been how we’ve done most of our marketing and have built up a community around Yireh!


How would you define fashion?

Fashion is a creative way to express your feelings, mood, ethics, and personality.


What do you envision for the future of your brand?

Hawai’i is a special place and our businesses here are often overlooked and left out by large corporate retailers. I hope to bring Yireh worldwide and insert a little slice of paradise and happiness into women’s closets everywhere. I also hope to help make a shift in the fashion industry not only within ethics but in seeing women as human beings instead of dollar signs.


What is the most important thing you would like your brand to be recognized for?

It’s integrity and its heart!