Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:02 AM

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer? 

Ever since I could remember I was always drawn to fashion. I loved the idea of mixing and matching different pieces and colors together. It was always a passion of mine, but I never truly knew that I would pursue it and make a career out of it until a few years ago when my idea to design clothing that would combine technology and fashion was born. 


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be?

You don’t need to have all the answers, you just need to start! 


“My main vision behind SHEER is to inspire confidence in women and help them look and feel beautiful.”


How do you define fashion?

An art and form of emotional self-expression. 


How would you describe your personal style?

Classic. Chic. Eclectic. 


What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

That I won’t be able to please all of the women. My main mission behind SHEER is to inspire confidence in women and help them look and feel beautiful. It’s tough to design an all-inclusive line that can please such a diverse group of women. That was something that was very important to me, which is why we took almost two years to prototype our dresses on a wide demographic of women with different body shapes and sizes. 


"I am very passionate about female empowerment, philanthropy, health and wellness."


What is your favorite part about being a designer?

The emotional effect that my clothes have on women. Having the ability to design clothes that can alter the way a woman feels about herself, her level of confidence, and self-love for her self is truly my favorite and most rewarding part of being a designer.  


How do you want women to feel when wearing your clothes?

Beautiful. Sexy. Confident. Whole.


Are you passionate about something other than fashion?

Very passionate about female empowerment, philanthropy, health and wellness. 


What is your favorite fashion trend?

Right now I’m really into romantic-cut blazers and barely-there strappy sandals (also great items to accessorize with our SHEER LBD’S!) 


What is next for the SHEER collection?

New colors, dress styles, and product categories all coming soon. Stay tuned!