Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Feb 08, 2022 01:08 PM

What is your earliest design memory for your brand?

One of my earliest memories of a design sketch that became a pivotal moment for the brand, was when I designed a red-carpet dress for Chiara Ferragni. It was in the palest pink silk, cut into ribbons before being hand fringed and re-sewn to create a knee-length dress with an open train to the floor.


Could you please tell us about how Rossorame came to be?

After finishing my studies and working for premium and couture brands, I realized that I had the desire to create a woman’s brand that is synonymous with quality and with the ethos of designing clothes for every woman to wear on any occasion; always with a focus on the details of each garment.


“We like to inject some fun, joy, and rebellion into our collections – so we hope that this combination also brings the magic!”


Tell us what inspired you to name your brand?

Our name Rossorame is a fusion of 2 elements. ‘Rosso’ is red in Italian and signifies passion and the color of life whilst ‘Rame’ is the Italian word for copper. A metal which is strong yet malleable. These are the elements that I always try to give each of my collections, and I believe are in all of us.


Could you tell us about the background of each of the co-founders?

The duo behind Rossorame, Bruno Simeone and Daniele del Genio, have a successful partnership, partly thanks to their start as close friends.

Bruno Simeone, the creative heart, and soul of Rossorame, was born in 1976 in Martina Franca, Puglia. He graduated in fashion design at the Academy of Costume and Fashion in Rome, and he went on to collaborate with several brands until he joined Alessandro Dell'Acqua.

His talent speaks for itself and is internationally recognized thanks to numerous awards won, such as the prestigious "Young Fashion Award Moet & Chandon" and "The Japan Textile Paper Design Competition".

The other half of Rossorame, Daniele, was born in 1973, also in Martina Franca. He graduated in Management Engineering in Rome and obtained a master's degree in NLP in Milan. As a management consultant for Accenture and Wave Group, he came from a purely professional business background in corporate strategy and reorganization of processes for various companies.


What do you feel sets your brand apart from the rest?

Rossorame walks a line half-way between the traditional fashion system and tailoring. We don’t believe in mass-producing; our runs are small with some limited-edition pieces and what goes into our collections is an enormous amount of research into trends, fabrics and how we refine our fits and styles for each new collection. We like to inject some fun, joy, and rebellion into our collections – so we hope that this combination also brings the magic!


What do you two collectively envision for the future of your brand?

The future for fashion is currently wide open which is an exciting time. One of the directions we are going in is to move away from the idea of seasonality and seasons. We create clothes that with layering can be taken from summer into winter and back to summer again.


How important is social media to your brand?

Social media can’t be avoided in the time we live in – and is an important tool for us to look back on our own progression, as well as using the platforms for showing what we do and interacting. Social media is hugely important to us, and we only see growth in this area for business and individuals alike.


How did your individual expertise help Rossorame navigate the pandemic in 2020?

I would say that it wasn’t down to me as an individual to navigate the business through the pandemic of 2020, but rather it was down to my whole team. We all refused to be beaten by the situation and none of us wanted the doors on the business closed so we spent time to brainstorm and trial different things to make it through.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to a new designer?

Although this isn’t new advice I would say never give up. Sometimes work and creativity can feel frustrating and difficult when it feels forced. But to reach your aspirations is never beyond your touch, so dig deep, learn from everything around you and always move forward.


Could you tell us more about the global celebrities that have worn your pieces?

We are extremely lucky to have dressed incredible women from all over the world. Some of our most famous celebrities include Federica Pellegrini, Olympic champion swimmer who we currently style for TV and events. We have dressed several Italian actresses and singers plus most recently we designed and made some outfits for a feature film.


“I try to follow trends but to interpret every trend with style and put my personal mark on it without fear of putting myself out there for all to see.”


Do you two have a favorite Rossorame piece?

My favorite Rossorame piece is definitely our iconic Bomber jacket. Luxurious, lush, and fun we try to always keep it in each collection with a re-working. I also love this piece as a standalone and unintentional unisex piece. I wear mine often and we have as many orders from men as women for the jacket.


What is one thing you look for when interviewing a potential candidate for your company?

When we look for someone new within the team, we look for people who are dynamic, open and creative; both in thinking and in doing.


 If you could visit one place in the entire world, where would it be and why?

I would love to return to Vietnam (and I will I am certain). It is a country like no other I have been to. It is breathtaking with incredible landscapes and varied for flora and fauna. If that is not enough, it also has a rich history of traditional aesthetics with warm hospitality. A place brimming over with culture. 


How would you define fashion?

Fashion is a very broad subject all wrapped up into one word. I try to follow trends but to interpret every trend with style and put my personal mark on it without fear of putting myself out there for all to see.