Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 09:59 AM

What inspired you to pursue create your own brand?

It was Serendipity. I had a company Vincente Living selling home accessories based on my artwork. It was this company that caught the attention of online retailer Shop Vida who invited me to be a designer for them. Who knew I would become one of their top-selling artists! But I did and it made me realize that if I can do that for them, then I should try it for myself. Suffice it to say, it seems the right decision was made, and I have never been more hopeful, fulfilled, and successful as I am right now.


Did you always know you wanted to be a fashion designer?

The answer is no. I loved home design and decorating. Fashion design was nowhere on my radar. The industry is not exactly inviting to African Americans. But, when a calling happens, you cannot stop it and that is why I find myself knee-deep in this fantastic and creative industry.


What was your previous work experience before launching your brand?

I have been in the Marketing industry for years and due to this knowledge, I became a social media influencer known for my housekeeping and cooking skills. It was a marriage of these skills that helped me navigate and maneuver in the fashion industry.


"Every action, failure and success made me and the brand what it is today."


What is the toughest circumstance you overcame when starting out your business?

I think the biggest circumstance to overcome was finding a place in an already saturated industry. Especially one that turns a blind eye to the Seattle-based fashion industry.


If you could do something different what would it be?

Nada. Every action, failure and success made me and the brand what it is today.


How important is social media to your brand?

Social media is MAJOR to our success. We have a sizable and active fan-base and their support and love keeps us motivated to produce and curate only the best.


"Success is waking up each day and doing the things that you love. It means sharing your heart with others and making a difference in this universe."


How do you define fashion?

Fashion is a reminder of a time or place that either makes you fit in or stand out; it contributes to your mood and others around you. It is your sense of style and how you wear it and how it makes you feel.


What does the word “success” mean to you?

Success is waking up each day and doing the things that you love. It means sharing your heart with others and making a difference in this universe. It is challenging and doesn’t happen overnight but day-to-day incremental improvements.


Do you see your brand expanding into a different avenue? Why or why not?

Yes, and it already has. Our brand is a lifestyle and includes everything from cosmetics to home furnishings. We primarily offer women's ready-to-wear clothing and could weave in men’s as well.


"I am passionate about my family, cooking and uplifting others. The daily grind can wear you down, so it's important to take care of each other and recharge."


Do you have other aspirations outside of being a fashion designer?

Someday I would like to open my own restaurant and serve all my favorite dishes.


What is the inspiration behind behind the name Rossario George?

Rossario George is the name of my partner's father that’s no longer with us. He owned a beauty salon and was an artist as his craft. He also had a great sense of style and fashion.


What are you most passion about?

I am passionate about my family, cooking and uplifting others. The daily grind can wear you down, so it's important to take care of each other and recharge.