Designer Interview

By: FashWire
Jan 19, 2024 11:04 AM

What inspired you to become a designer?

I was born and raised in the family business where shoes have always been made for four generations. So, learning how to create and dream up shoes was easy.


When was your first industry experience and how did it impact you?  

My experience started when I was young... then over the years, in addition to the experience in the family business, I gained experience abroad collaborating with brands and footwear manufacturers, and in this case, I understood how much the linear economy pollutes our planet. This experience convinced me to change direction and develop a completely new project in the circular economy.


How did the brand’s name come to be?

RE49 means... RE stands for REturn, REborn, REuse, REcycle… 49 is the official year in which my great-grandfather and his children opened the company.


“RE49 transforms iconic recycled materials into new luxury footwear that we are proud to share by applying quality, craftsmanship, and uniqueness without compromising through recycling and the circular economy.”


What did the beginnings of RE49 look like?

The desire to change, to go outside the box, and to create an iconic product and brand that will be remembered by the next generations. The beginning is always an unknown factor. But knowing that something has been created that can change the perception of creativity gives us the spirit not to give up.


What made you want to design shoes with reused fabrics?

Nothing is wasted! Everything can be reused! You just need good ideas and love. 

We already have tons of materials on this planet without the need for new industrial production of other materials.


Where do you collect the reused fabrics from?

We get the fabrics from excess inventory and scraps from different factories in our area that produce furniture and sofas. Plus, we are starting to use and collaborate with brands that have tons of extra material that they no longer need anymore.


What is your favorite part about designing?

In our case, it is the research of materials. Using unborn materials to create shoes, the real design, for now, is the material itself.

How would you describe the style of your brand?

Fashion changes with dreams and the courage of dreamers: RE49 transforms iconic recycled materials into new luxury footwear that we are proud to share by applying quality, craftsmanship, and uniqueness without compromising through recycling and the circular economy. A lifestyle experience that expresses the need and commodity of casual shoes.


What was the toughest circumstance you overcame when just starting your business?

The RE49 project was born at the turn of the COVID-19 years, so in addition to that problem, the real dilemma is to make the end customer understand the difficulty of producing in a circular economy and the difficulty of entering the market with a product outside the lines. But this is also the added value!


“Our mission is to repurpose discarded objects and transform them into precious works of art to be worn with pride, because RE49 shoes are a message of love to our planet, from the moment they are born, to when they are chosen by you.”


How important is sustainability to your brand?

It's the foundation! For RE49, being sustainable means making shoes with the lowest possible environmental impact. We want to minimize waste and give new life to waste materials by converting them into shoes that are sustainable from start to finish: from when they are designed to when they finish their cycle. Our sustainability promise is to make a difference for future generations.


What sets your brand apart from the rest?

Certainly, the originality of the brand and the continuous research in the development of the project in an increasingly sustainable vision.


What has been your biggest accomplishment to date?  

Being reborn in the world of fashion and finding a new space where we can be appreciated for what we do in the field of sustainability and originality is a huge reward.


What brand values are most important for RE49?

We do not fear the passing of time, and we believe in continuity and the infinite ability to reinvent ourselves and our world. Thus, our mission is to repurpose discarded objects and transform them into precious works of art to be worn with pride, because RE49 shoes are a message of love to our planet, from the moment they are born, to when they are chosen by you. Because you choose to buy more consciously, and you want to be part of the fashion revolution with us.


What is the most important thing you would like your brand to be recognized for?

I would like the RE49 to be recognized as synonymous with rebirth, seen through the materials we use... of craftsmanship, giving importance to the manual work of our craftsmen... future, giving space and glory to all the traceability of our products, recorded and notified in the blockchain... and to a brand always looking for creativity in sustainability.


What do you envision for the future of RE49?
We will soon begin to be present in various markets. We want to be present not only with our products but also with our positivity and with our messages of hope. We want whoever wears RE49 to walk the streets of their country proud to wear something iconic! Unique and awesome.