Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
May 11, 2021 01:28 PM

What inspired you to name your brand?

The starting point of my brands' names was the letter ‘R’. It seemed so significant, as it represents so many things within sustainability: reuse, recycle, reduce. It’s the first letter of my late father’s name. It just seemed like the right thing to do; hence, Reflexone and Ration.L were born.


What things did you consider while creating your brand?

I really thought about how I could create simple products that were going to have a positive impact on the environment, as well as the lifestyle choices that we are experiencing today. Most importantly, I considered what I could create that would reflect having a healthy and happy lifestyle.


What inspired you to create a sustainable brand?

The United Nations sustainable development goals and my passion for wanting to make a difference for our future generations.


"I think the Millennials and Gen Z generations are significantly impacting the movement of raising awareness for the causes of pollution and climate change."


Why do you think sustainability is important in the fashion industry today?

I have been trying to push sustainability for the last 7 years, as I could see first-hand in my frequent factory visits to the far east how much the fashion industry was harming our environment. From the dyes that were polluting third world countries to the huge amounts of wastage being left in landfills – it was heartbreaking to see. However, I think the Millennials and Gen Z generations are significantly impacting the movement of raising awareness for the causes of pollution and climate change. Their mindset of wanting a better environment for their future is so important, as they are also going to be our next consumer; therefore, we have to listen to what the consumer wants!


Tell us more about your brand’s eco-friendly practices?

We have made partnerships with some great sustainable organizations that champion what we are doing. This has helped us learn more about new upcoming materials and practices that we may be able to evolve going forward. We also have our own guide tool that we encourage our partner supply chain to follow, which helps us keep things in check and ensures our ethos and values continue through the chain.


How would you describe your personal style?

My style is simple and ethical, but with a little innovation. I like to wear fun things too!


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be? 

Although I wish I started this 25 years ago, I would tell myself to always follow what you believe in, no matter what others might say.


What is your favorite part about designing?

I’m more of a Creative Director than a Designer, but what I love are those moments when I think of something so unique, it gives me the drive to complete the project quickly and I am able to bring my vision to life!


"Your passion will always shine through in the products you create."


What is one piece of advice you would like to share with everyone in the fashion industry?

Create something unique and follow your heart with passion for what you believe in. Your passion will always shine through in the products you create.


What do you envision for the future of your brand?

I envision a multitude of brands that encompass different missions needing to be tackled, both in the industry as well as society around us.


Tell us about one life-changing incident or moment that changed the way you did everything?

In March 2015 I was taken into A&E with a life-threatening illness – a Subarachnoid Brain Hemorrhage. I was treated by The Salford Royal Hospital with 4 brain operations leading to a Shunt inside. This condition is 50% survival and the remaining have serious disabilities, such as hearing, unable to walk, partially paralyzed, and brain damage. I'm extremely lucky that I'm here today with little side effects. I constantly strive to do my best to give back and to help others. 


Tell us more about your charity work, and how people can find out about it?

Several charities reached out to me after discovering the campaign efforts regarding my illness that I shared daily on my blog, YouTube videos, and speaking events. They wanted me to help them raise awareness for neurological conditions, therefore I became an ambassador for 3 charities that all have great missions – all slightly different but wanting to achieve the same goal, which aligns with my personal mission. It was important for me to give back, so I decided to give a percentage of my profits to the charities I support. You can find these links on my social media or my website: www.kavitabasi.com


"I wanted to help others in their journey of recovery so that they wouldn’t feel alone the way I did and decided to use my experience to help others through my book."


We know you have a passion other than fashion, which is writing. Can you tell us more about your book?

During my recovery, I was unable to find information on my illness and the daily experiences of others. This made me feel very alone and severely affected my mental health. I kept a diary that I wrote in daily, as I also suffered from short-term memory loss. I wanted to help others in their journey of recovery so that they wouldn’t feel alone the way I did and decided to use my experience to help others through my book: 'Room 23 – surviving a brain Hemorrhage ' which was published on Amazon & other platforms in Nov 2018 by 'She Writes Press' publishing. Link here Room 23: Surviving a Brain Hemorrhage: Basi, Kavita


What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

I think my greatest strength is believing in myself: my confidence and my follow-through. However, these are also weaknesses, as sometimes I can just run away with an idea even if it’s not the right thing to do. Since I always have to follow through and finish each project, I over-exhaust myself and unfortunately, don’t have as much energy due to the side effects of my illness. Regardless, I love what I do, and I wake up every morning grateful for another day.