Designer Interview

By: FashWire
Jul 28, 2023 12:55 PM

What is your earliest design memory for your brand?

My earliest design memory was creating the Healer Dress for my breathwork, sound, and cacao healing events. Before I designed the dress and decided to start the Healer Collection, I had a hard time finding dresses online that I connected with and wanted to wear. After talking to a friend who works in fashion and asking if they would collaborate with me on a design, my friend suggested that I start my own line. I thought what a great idea! It was after that, that I started my journey. I had no experience in fashion, so I began to learn along the way and am still learning. I wanted to create a look that was mindful, feminine, simple and organic and that embraces the natural curves of the body.


Where do you find inspiration?

My inspiration comes from my heart. I love using material that feels good and especially silk to make dresses and skirts that inspire simplicity, flow and motion. I love collaborating with people in the community who have passion and love for what they do. It’s amazing to see other’s ideas come to life.


“My favorite part of designing is connecting with others and making them feel beautiful.”


How would you describe your personal style?

My personal style are timeless pieces that are simple, clean, natural and feminine.


What do you envision for the future of your brand?

I would like my brand to be known globally.


What is your favorite part about designing?

My favorite part of designing is connecting with others and making them feel beautiful. As an entrepreneur, I love the journey and the different paths designing has opened for me.


Do you have a favorite piece that you have designed?

One of my favorite pieces that I designed is the silk chiffon maxi skirt. I love the flow that it offers. I feel beautiful in it.


Do you have a passion other than fashion or design?

Other than fashion, I love being outdoors in nature, running, and practicing yoga. Teaching yoga and helping others makes me feel connected and alive.


What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

My greatest strengths are my discipline, determination, continuous learning, patience, positivity and versatility. My weaknesses are self-criticism, sensitive, perfectionism, naiveness and overly accepting at times.


“I think it’s important that others know that they can create a life they love! And the best way to do it is by having awareness around what you don’t like doing and becoming familiar with your energy – what depletes you and what energizes you! “


Where is your favorite place to travel? Why?

One of my favorite places to travel is Joshua Tree. I love the energy of the desert, it’s magical and is where I manifested Healer Collection.


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be?

To trust in myself more and to let go of fear.


How important is social media to your brand?

Social media is very important, especially due to the pandemic. As of now, I sell mostly online. Instagram has played a huge role in my marketing.


What did you wear to your first job interview?

Oh boy! I would say Banana Republic pants and dress top.


Do you find it difficult to have a brand based in New York? What are the perks versus the challenges?

I find it challenging only because the cost is high. I love that it’s so close to where I live in Long Island and that everything is accessible in the Fashion District. My dream is to bring the cost down yet keep the quality the same. I would love to make it more affordable to others.


What is the most important thing you would like your brand to be recognized for?

The story of how it began (my yoga events) and, not having a background in fashion and deciding to follow my heart and what makes me feel the most alive and connected which is creating and connecting with others. My hopes are that I can make a positive impact on the planet and most of all on other’s lives, especially those who I collaborate with.

I think it’s important that others know that they can create a life they love! And the best way to do it is by having awareness around what you don’t like doing and becoming familiar with your energy – what depletes you and what energizes you!