Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:01 AM

Tell us a little bit about your brand, Michele & Hoven?

Michele & Hoven was born in Europe in 2002, focused in premium quality, timeless, hand knitted and most importantly sustainable fashion. We are lucky to be able to work with great knitters and with one of the best qualities in the world; Alpaca wool.


What made you label your collection with that name? 

It’s a mystery, I just liked how it sounded. 


"Since I discovered the alpaca wool and all its advantages, I knew I had found a treasure!"


When did you know you wanted to be a designer?

Since I can remember, I have always loved to look around women's stores searching for the perfect piece, but when I found something I liked , it was never 100% made for me. I always felt that some changes needed to be done to feel completely in harmony with it. Hence, the idea of being a designer came naturally. 


What inspired your to do so?

Alpacas. Since I discovered the alpaca wool and all its advantages, I knew I had found a treasure.  


Alpaca is a significant source to your collection. What made you focus your designs around this medium?

Alpacas are animals that grow freely in the Andes more than 5000 meters high, there, their wool obtains its softness, permeability and warmth. They are also really curious about everything that happens around them.  It is a sustainable fiber perfect for our designs (and its wool doesn't itch).


What are your plans for the future of the brand? What do you see next for the collection?

I don’t want to say too much but we have big plans for the brand. For the next collection, quality in alpaca will remain with new textures and new colors that will make the difference.


What inspires your designs season after season?

Nature and its forms and colors takes a great part in my inspiration process. Travels and different cultures also influence my designs.


How do you want women to feel in your sweaters?

Unique and happy. 


If you weren't a designer, what would you be doing?

Because I really love nature, I would dedicate my life to photograph it in all its beauty. 


What are your passions outside of fashion?

My family and nature are the two pillars of my life and I often like to mix them by traveling.  


"The Michele & Hoven customers are shoppers that appreciate good quality and everlasting pieces."


How would you describe your personal style? Do you believe your collection is a reflection of your style?

I believe that elegance can always be found in pieces with the highest quality that can be combined with everything you have in your closet. That has obviously been reflected in my collections, since every piece adds elegance in a practical way to every outfit.


Who is the Michele & Hoven customer?

Every woman that is looking for something more than just fashion. The Michele & Hoven customers are shoppers that appreciate good quality and everlasting pieces.


Where is your favorite place to travel? Why?

I do not have an answer for this question, since I am still discovering the world and every place I have visited has its charms.  


What is at the top of your bucket list? What would make you feel most accomplished in life?

I would feel most accomplished by making people aware of the slow- fashion through Michele & Hoven. I strongly believe that in a world that moves so fast, it is important to know that fashion made from nature is sustainable.