Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 09:45 AM

Maceoo is such a unique name. Can you give us a little bit of background on how the brand name came to be?

The name comes from General Maceoo, a general who led his country to independence from the Spaniards. He was known as the Great Titan Lion, which really resonates with us. We feel like we make daily armor for the Maceoo man, for the everyday battle, no matter what that specifically looks like to that customer.


Have you always been a designer? When did you know that is what you wanted to pursue?

I’ve always been a designer. It’s something you’re born with. It just came to me and continued to grow by taking in my environment, traveling, and seeing how my parents dressed. I started to notice the magic of color and how perceptions could be influenced by style. It was a calling and combining creativity, management, and technical skills is when it becomes great. 


What is your favorite part about designing? Is there a specific category or product you enjoy creating most?

What I enjoy most is creating patterns, the juxtaposition of colors and designs and breaking the rules with contrast. This is what brings uniqueness to design style and aesthetics across all of our categories. At first, America didn’t understand it, but we established a trend at Maceoo. Almost 10 years later, it has caught on and we feel our influence in the marketplace. 


"We are now a 360-degree lifestyle brand, with casual, formal and leisure wear."


Maceoo has morphed into an entire lifestyle collection. What can consumers expect to see next from the brand?

We are super excited about this upcoming collection. We are now a 360-degree lifestyle brand, with casual, formal and leisure wear. Our loyal customers and fans are now finally able to include us in every section of their wardrobe which is a really cool feeling.  


How do you define fashion?

Fashion is anything beautiful and relevant in a point in time. Fashion is not only clothes, it is music, culture, art, anything which defines an era culturally, is fashion. Clothes just happen to be the costume of a particular point in time. 


Describe your style. Is your personal taste reflected in the collection?

It’s a mix of adapting to what the marketplace needs and what I love. I used to do only what I loved, but the more I matured, the more my style matured. My style is a combination of uniqueness, versatility, with a touch of sophistication. I’ve learned that when combined, it can be very successful, especially paired with luxury details and adapting the right price point. 


What is one thing you look for when interviewing a potential candidate for your company?

People who are go-getters.


How do you want your customers to feel when they wear the Maceoo brand?

Strong, confident, attractive and capable.


You've made some incredible efforts to assist during these troubling times of COVID-19. Can you give us more information about how you've been able to make an impact?

It has been a really tough time for us, and when I say us, I am referring to us as a fashion industry. From the top to the bottom it has shaken our world and really affected the fashion industry. But as we have always said, we are engineers and inventors at our core, and we saw an opportunity to really make an impact and help those in need.


"One moment we are making clothing as armor to help our customers with the everyday life battle, now we are providing masks to our amazing essential workers for the new daily battle."


Tell us about your mask program?

We have started a face mask program, where we are donating 1 mask for every 1 mask sold. We are donating to first responders, grocery clerks, medical support staff, and other groups who are leading the pack in our fight against this difficult opponent. It is interesting how quickly fashion can change. One moment we are making clothing as armor to help our customers with the everyday life battle, now we are providing masks to our amazing essential workers for the new daily battle. 


What advice or encouragement would you give to others to make a difference?

The only way to win this battle is by coming together as one big team. For example, those of us who are used to creating garments are now producing face masks, car plants are producing respirators, and many other industries that are adjusting in miraculous ways to help are all important. But we all have the ability to make a difference no matter how big or small. Staying home or producing face masks, we can all make a difference together.