Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:02 AM

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer?

About ten years ago, while purchasing diamond stock for the company I worked for, I came across a unique shaped uncut diamond that captured my attention. I liked it so much as is, that I purchased it for myself, laser engraved my wife’s name on it and designed a pendant to hold it.  In the following months, I received countless compliments from people who, like me, were fascinated by the attractive stone.

I started to realize that the unique shape of the stone wasn’t the only thing about the pendant, but more of its meaning and connotation. Retaining the uncut diamond in its genuine natural form, and keeping it as is - untouched, un-polished just as mother nature created it, that’s what was so special about it. All this led me to the notion that I must design a jewelry collection with uncut diamonds so people can have unique one-of-a-kind jewelry to make their unique one-of-a-kind bonds visible.


“My personal style, and I believe Legami’s too, is all about being hip and unconventional.”


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be?

Should have started it 10 years earlier…


What was the biggest rookie mistake you made when just starting out? 

Don’t get personal online - Social media is all about being social. So, encouraging conversation, information exchange and sharing is all part of being social. Once in while the social efforts are being bullied and learning to not take it personally takes time.


How would you describe your personal style?

My personal style, and I believe Legami’s too, is all about being hip and unconventional. A style that makes a statement of being true to yourself and to others, without the uneasiness of being exposed. 


“Every connection between people always ties into a special bond like no other.”


What is your favorite part about being a designer? 

I was always fascinated with relationships between people to one another and to oneself.  My life course and business experience led me to the understanding that at the end of the day, it all comes down to relationships. Despite the variety of social media platforms and amazing technology out there, eventually, it all comes down to the human factor and the bonds that define us. 


How do you want people to feel when wearing your pieces?

Every connection between people always ties into a special bond like no other. Wearing a Legami is all about making these bonds visible only to define who we are and what is really important to us – the people in our lives. 


Are you passionate about something other than fashion?

That’s an easy one – my family!