Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Nov 30, 2021 12:08 PM

When did you know you wanted to become a designer?

From the time I was very little and painting with my grandmother. I realized I had this desire to create things that people could touch and use.


What is your earliest design memory for your brand?

Prior to starting my own brand, I was a professional working designer in NYC for over 15 years, so I have been thinking about what I would do personally for a very long time! 


Where do you find inspiration?

That’s a hard question! For me, probably everywhere! You never know what you might see that strikes an idea into your head.


What is your favorite part about designing?

Seeing the finished product and then seeing it on someone other than yourself. That is so very rewarding!


How would you describe your personal style?

I am a big fan of the Parisian Chic Street look…mixing a delicate lace blouse with a plaid work shirt, jeans, and black boots! I love to mix high and low in my daily style!


What is your favorite fashion film or show?

I love a good documentary on a famous fashion designer. I don’t have one exact favorite, but I do enjoy watching them when they come out.


”I want my customers to wear things that spark a compliment and then starts a conversation.”


What sets your brand apart from the rest?

I try my best to create “conversational” pieces of jewelry. I want my customers to wear things that spark a compliment and then starts a conversation. Something that makes a statement…loud or soft and gets people excited to wear!


What do you envision for the future of your brand?

Hopefully continued growth and greater brand recognition.


Do you have a favorite piece that you have designed? 

I go through phases of “current” favorites. Right now, I am obsessed with a number of items that will be out this coming Spring ’22.


What were some hurdles you had to overcome in your business?

Even though I incorporated my business in 2018, I really didn’t start working on it full time on it until January of 2020. My timing could not have been more off. But now in hindsight, I think working through the height of the pandemic gave me an opportunity to take things a little slower and see what was working and what was not instead of rushing, rushing, rushing a lá NYC style!


What is the one piece of advice you would give to a new designer?

ALWAYS TRUST THE LITTLE VOICE INSUDE OF YOU!!! And I think, that applies to life in general too!


Do you find it difficult to have a brand based in Milwaukee? What are the perks versus the challenges?

I think the pandemic has changed the way we work forever. So, being based in Milwaukee has not been an issue for me. I am doing the same work that I used to do when I was in Mid-Town Manhattan but now with more SPACE! So, this is definitely one of the Silver Linings of Covid.


If you could visit one place in the entire world, where would it be and why?

I would & will go back to India. All my pieces are handmade in Jaipur, India. I was there in October of 2019 and was mesmerized by so much on my trip! India for me is a designers dream with all the attention to artistic details.


What was your first job out of college, and how did you land that position?

I grew up in a conservative Mid-Western family where you only become a doctor, a lawyer, or a businessman. I worked for a law firm in Chicago and hated it. I always wanted to go to design school and so after 6 months of studying for LSAT, I finally convinced my dad this was not it for me and moved out to San Francisco to go to graduate school for design. Best move ever!


“Trust your gut and always believe in yourself!”


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be? 

Good question! Trust your gut and always believe in yourself!


What can consumers expect to see next from your brand?

Right now, I am working on broadening my jewelry line. We have a lot of earrings but need to expand on necklaces, bracelets, and rings. So, this is one of my focuses as we move forward into 2022 and beyond!