Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Aug 05, 2022 02:22 PM

When did you know you wanted to become to become a founder?

I never imagined becoming a founder. The way it occurred was complete destiny, Martha the founder of the idea of Kuu reached out to me and shared her idea about the brand. I fell in love with the concept, and everything just began to grow after that.


What is your earliest design memory for your brand?

My earliest design memory was to elevate the simple design of our statement piece, the Cintilla (long necklace). We made the entire Cintilla longer, as well as the fringe pieces to give it more versatility and elegance.


“While each artisan is not directly involved in the entire design process, each pattern one of the artisans creates is new and they have infinite creativity.”


Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration in women.


What is your favorite part about being a CEO?

My favorite part of being CEO is that I get to be involved with every stage of development of the brand. I love to see us grow, and work with more and more artisans. As well as being involved in sales. 


What made you want to work with jewelry?  

I have always loved jewelry, since I was a small girl. To be able to connect my love for jewelry and to work with artisans has truly been a dream come true.


What was your previous work experience before co-founding your brand?

I was a credit analyst for Caterpillar.


Tell us about the artisans that design for Kuu?

While each artisan is not directly involved in the entire design process, each pattern one of the artisans creates is new and they have infinite creativity.


“Here at Kuu, we value respect, preserving the Wixárika culture and authenticity.”


What sets your brand apart from the rest?

Our social consciousness for the Wixárika culture, because when we first started 8 years ago, we were the exception, now more and more brands are developing these values and that makes us very happy.


What do you envision for the future of your brand?

To be able to provide more artisans with stable work and to reach all corners of the world to showcase the richness of our Mexican culture as well as the beautiful craftsmanship of our artisans.


What brand values are the most important for Kuu?

Here at Kuu, we value respect, preserving the Wixárika culture and authenticity.


Do you have a favorite piece? 

Right now, my favorite piece is our 5 Hoop Earrings, but with the launch of each new collection I always have a new favorite.


What were some hurdles you had to overcome in your business?

Our main hurdle since we began the brand is to have people appreciate the craftsmanship of our artisans and not undervalue their worth. As each year goes by, this hurdle gets smaller and smaller.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to a founder?

There will always be hurdles but if you believe in your brand, you will always be able to achieve it. Hold on to your brand’s values and what makes it different, don’t lose that by trying to expand your business.


How important is social media to your brand?

Very important. I believe now a days it is very important for every brand.


What is the most important thing you would like your brand to be recognized for?

For being beautiful pieces of jewelry made by Mexican artisans.


How would you define fashion?

It reflects political, historical, and socially cultural influences of each person’s environment.