Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Jan 14, 2021 05:42 PM

What was your previous work experience before launching your brand?

Through my school experience, I discovered a passion for fashion at the age of 18. I worked as a salesperson in various shops.


What is your earliest design memory for this brand?

The first T-Shirt Collection idea I had which was brought to creation. It was an incredible experience of working collectively, sharing my ideas and getting things translated.


Where do you find inspiration?

I work with a passionate team of young designers and artists — the inspiration comes from them. I also love traveling, as I grasp ideas from nature, art and everything around me.


"Believe in yourself, no matter what. I had many opportunities to stop believing and give up. Don’t listen to the naysayers around you and work with people who believe in you."


What would you like your brand to be recognized for?

With H.O.C and Himspire, we offer quality, exclusivity, art and design. When you buy something from us, you pay for the work done; you help a community of talented artists become famous and you help them earn a living. We offer clothes for a lifetime.


Do you have a favorite fashion piece that you have designed?

Our custom jackets. 


How important is social media to your brand?

It’s part of the strategy. We have a small social community, but it is one of quality.


What is your favorite fashion film or show?

Loick Prigent and Le diable s’habille en Prada are a few of my favorites.


"I believe the biggest difference now is that we all want sustainable fashion and are beginning to prioritize the impact the industry is having on the environment."


How would you describe your personal style?

I like to have a unique style. I always look for details and things that nobody wears, never wanting to wear the same outfit as someone else. Hence the brands mission: Cultivate the difference — H.O.C & Himpsire Offers a Unique Style.


What’s the best piece of business advice you’ve heard? Do you follow it?

Believe in yourself, no matter what. I had many opportunities to stop believing and give up. Don’t listen to the naysayers around you and work with people who believe in you.


Do you feel working in the fashion industry is different today than from when you started out? Why or why not?

I believe the biggest difference now is that we all want sustainable fashion and are beginning to prioritize the impact the industry is having on the environment.