Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:01 AM

Gloves Forino has been around for well over 100 years! What would you say is the reason it has succeeded for so many generations?

The quality of the raw materials and the attention to detail is always up to date with new trends.


As a family business, did you know you would always be a part of Gloves Forino or did you originally want to do something else?

I always wanted to work for the family business. After receiving my degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literature, I started working at full speed.



"Fashion for me is feeling good with an accessory that expresses your personality!"



What was the biggest rookie mistake you made when just starting out? 

Several errors were made along the way due to lack of experience.


What inspires you to keep creating? Where do you draw your inspiration from every season? 

From the passion I have for creating and in the requests of my clients to produce new styles. 



How is working in fashion different today than from when you started out?

I don't find it so different than when I started, as there are always new trends and a return to the styles of the past. 



How do you define fashion? 

Fashion for me is feeling good with an accessory that expresses your personality.



"The most important value that I want to instill in the brand is the experience of generations and the protection of the hands, embellishing and completing the style of the person!"



How would you describe your personal style? 

Simple, chic fashion.


What role do you think social media plays in fashion today? Has it been a positive or negative impact for your brand over the years?

It has had a positive impact to help make the brand internationally known.


What is the most important value you want to instill in the brand and the customer who wears it?

The experience of generations and the protection of the hands, embellishing and completing the style of the person.


Are you passionate about anything other than fashion? 

I  love swimming. I started swimming when I was 7 years old.


What can consumers expect to see next from Gloves Forino?

We do our very best to satisfy them! This year we have a great innovation- The Smart Phone Gloves- where the skin of the palm is touch screen comfortable without having to remove the glove when it is cold.