Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Dec 08, 2021 02:24 PM

What was your previous work experience before launching your brand?

Hillary brought a decade of experience as a contract designer in NYC and Colorado for major brands including Macy’s private labeld, Diane von Furstenberg, Smartwool and Spyder. Also, working as a contractor in the fields of Art Direction and Photography, Jillian created and managed branding and ad campaigns for clients in industries ranging from agriculture to real estate to fashion.


What is your earliest design memory for this brand?

Probably the asymmetrical Burke Dress – we were really going for minimalist, architectural, timeless style and then we found the perfect sueded Cupro textile that fit our concept perfectly.


Where do you find inspiration?

Everywhere! Travels provide so many new visions, but we see colors in food and lines in buildings and all kinds of beauty in nature. Textile showrooms are some of our favorite places to get lost in inspiring prints and fabrics.


Do you have a favorite piece that you designed? 

I probably wear the Alyster blouse the most out of all the styles because of its functionality. You can layer it as a jacket, tie it up, or wear it snapped and tucked in for a more polished blouse look. I am also very eager to wear the new Hollis blazer this season!


“We want Glenn + Glenn to be known as a brand that creates timeless quality garments that transcend seasons.”


What would you like your brand to be known/recognized for?

We want Glenn + Glenn to be known as a brand that creates timeless quality garments that transcend seasons.


How important is social media to your brand?

Social media is an integral part of our success, more so this year than ever before. The shift to our customers shopping almost exclusively online has created a very noisy and competitive marketplace, so we are thrilled to be part of the FashWire community, as the app makes shopping efficient and caters to our savvy customers.


What is your favorite fashion film/show?

Alexander McQueen’s presentations from the mid 90’s until his last show in 2009 were unparalleled to any other designer. My most favorite moment was his Spring/Summer 1999 show where his finale white dress was spray-painted by robots.


How would you describe your personal style?

Between the two of us, our styles are very similar, yet we have our own particulars. Hillary being the more adventuresome of the two, she is willing to try new trends and unexpected pairings. Jillian has a more tailored, monochromatic look.


“We strive to engage more and more to build connections with our customers.”


What’s the best piece of business advice you’ve heard? And do you follow it?

Relationships are key. Building and maintaining them is really so important in life, as well as in business. We value our investor relationships, our production colleagues, and on the sales side, we strive to engage more and more to build connections with our customers.


Do you feel working in the fashion industry is different today than from when you started out? Why or why not?

Absolutely, and especially in recent months with the global crisis. Fashion has been a fast-moving, months and years ahead in the past, and now, the movement toward sustainable practices and more mindful development has slowed that manic pace just a bit – which we whole-heartedly support!