Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:00 AM

What inspired you to become a designer? 

It is the materials which inspired me and gave me the desire to transform them into nice bags.


When was your first industry experience and how did it impact you?

My first industry experience was when I was in college. I worked during a summer in a shoe factory and it was quite difficult because it was on an assembly line doing work.


What did you wear to your first job interview? 

At that time, we wore suits!


If you could give yourself advice before beginning your career what would it be? 

Do what you like to do!


What was the toughest circumstance you overcame when just starting your business? 

Having your own business means meeting everyday problems, I think one of the toughest was when my goods were held in customs and I had to deliver to shops in a very short timing.


Was starting your business a smooth journey? If not, what were some of the struggles?

It is never a smooth journey! You have to deal with all subjects at the same time and be able to treat them equally. What I dislike most is doing administrative paperwork.


What is one thing you look for when interviewing a potential candidate for your company?

I want the person to be motivated, creative and hardworking.


How is working in fashion different today than from when you started out?

People realized that fashion is one of the worst polluting businesses for the planet, so everyone starts talking about sustainable fashion. So yes, everything has changed and it is great.


What role does social media play in your business today?

Social media is powerful, it is unavoidable and plays a big role in business. 


"I draw inspiration from the vintage cars of the 50s and the 60s."


Where do you draw inspiration from for your designs?

I draw inspiration from the vintage cars of the 50s and the 60s.


How do you define fashion?

Fashion is a short lived and popular way of dressing. It is also an art form and the expresses the talent of designers.


How would you describe your personal style?

I am a natural person, wearing comfortable clothes, mixing some fashion with simple pieces.


What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

My biggest fear was that nobody would like my products.


What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

My greatest strength is my optimism, and my weakness is my sensibility.


What is your favorite part about being a designer?

My favorite part is creating and thinking of the products.


How do you want your buyer to feel when wearing your accessories?

I want them to feel original, elegant and to be proud of themselves.


What does success mean to you?

Success means having the life you want to have in terms of happiness, family and work; creating the balance you like.


Are you passionate about something other than fashion?

I am passionate about gardens and and sailing.


What is your favorite fashion trend?

I wouldn’t say I am keen on a certain fashion trend, but more inspired by some designers like Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent.


What is your least favorite fashion trend?

My least favorite fashion trend is the gothic trend.


You are currently based in Paris, is that where you are originally from?



"The future will be only sustainable fashion, so do not create things without integrating that."


There’s so much pressure for designers to come out with their greatest collection season after season. What advice would you give to young designers just starting out and hoping to make it in the industry?

My advice is to be aware that fashion has to be sustainable, and the future will be only sustainable fashion, so do not create things without integrating that. Moreover, do not create something if you already have thousands of competitors.  Try to create essential and new products. It is hard but I think there are too many brands on the market.


What can consumers expect to see next for Entre 2 Retros? 

New products for travel, but it is a surprise.


What inspired you to name your brand? 

The name is Entre 2 Retros, which means “Between 2 Mirrors.” It means the fabric on the seats between the mirrors of the car. It also means a second life.


What has been your biggest accomplishment to date? 

My family! I have three kids and I have been married for twenty years, and still happy.


How would you define your customer?

My customer is a man or woman, urban, classic, elegant and interested in quality brands.


If you could visit one place in the entire world, where would it be and why?

It would be Chile and Peru to visit the Machu Picchu and the desert in Chile because I love the desert.