Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:00 AM

Tell us about Code 22's inception. When, where and why was it created? 

I have been working as a designer for the last 20 years and I was at the point in my life where I had to make the decision of launching my own brand or to continue working for others. Professionals I knew from the industry pushed me towards launching my own brand as they believed in me and my ideas.


Who is the CODE 22 customer? How should they feel when wearing the brand? 

The CODE 22 customer is a guy between 30-55 years old who is self-confident and is looking to portray this through what he wears, whether it be sportswear, underwear or swimwear.


What sets CODE 22 apart from the rest? 

What sets us apart from the rest is our fit! We give the upmost importance to the fit and comfort of each and every piece which is launched on the market. The technical aspects are just as important as the design. We always make sure both aspects are at the same level before launching the piece.


"The number 22 is called the “master builder”, the one that can achieve what is hardly imaginable, a principle of precision and balance."


What part of the world do you find the most demand for your brand? Where would you like to see the brand go next? 

For the moment, the United States is our biggest market. However, if we combine the EU as a country it would then become a head to head race! We have just started expanding in the Asian market and hope to grow in the next few seasons in Japan.


Where did the name come from? Is there a significant meaning behind it? 

It emerges from the basic concept of “building principles in an unconventional way”. Something that could diffuse this message in a characteristic way, brought the word “CODE” to mind. I also wanted something that could represent the code in a number form. This is how 22 became a part of the whole. The number 22 is called the “master builder”, the one that can achieve what is hardly imaginable, a principle of precision and balance. It also happens to be the number of my date of birth.


What was the biggest challenge in the creation and development of the brand? How was that challenge overcome? 

The biggest challenge was getting our message across and introducing our concept of the brand. We have been developing the brand for almost 5 years and we are now seeing a positive reaction from our clients where people are coming and asking specifically for our brand.


"The inspiration comes from street culture and from our clients."


What role do you think social media plays in fashion today? What is the platform that has been most beneficial to your brand? 

Social media has a huge role on a brand. When I present the brand to potential clients, one of the first questions I am asked is “how many followers do you have on Instagram”. For the moment I would say that Instagram has been the most beneficial social media channel, but things are on the move and we will see what this decade has in store for us!


Where would you say the inspiration comes from to create new styles each season? 

The inspiration comes from street culture and from our clients. They really know what they want and we strive every season to deliver this!


Now with swimwear, underwear and sportswear in the mix, what can consumers expect to see next for CODE 22? 

Our clients can expect more cutting-edge designs as they are really looking for different things which cannot be found in conventional stores.


What advice would you give to young designers just starting out and hoping to make it in the industry? 

My only advice would be to make sure they know who their customer is and to find the best way of connecting with them.