Weekly Rewards Winner Interview (Best Sustainable Wear)

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:00 AM

Describe yourself in 3-5 words?

Caring, creative, delicate and genuine.


What is your personal fashion style?

I’m usually into anything neutral and creamy colored. Since I have fair skin, I like to wear things that enhance it!  


What do you do for a living?

I help my parents out with their business at the moment, however I am also working towards getting into grad school for Speech Language Pathology.


"An — all around the world — parade! Every country would be represented to show unity and that we are all in this together."


If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?

I’d love to see Shailene Woodley play the lead role as me. She’s an amazing actress.  


What is your favorite item in your closet?

My favorite item in my closet would have to be my Valentino sandals.


If you could throw a parade of any caliber through your office, what type of parade would it be?

An “all around the world” parade! Every country would be represented to show unity and that we are all in this together.


"My favorite designer on Fashwire is Valeria Amaral. She’s incredibly talented and her style is very relatable!"


What is the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made?

The best purchase I have made has been jeans from Madewell and the worst purchase I’ve made was a dress at a random boutique. I wore it to a party and when I started dancing, it ripped immediately.  


You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?

I would be the color “Tiffany blue” because of its elegance and simplicity.  


Who is your favorite designer on Fashwire and why?

My favorite designer on Fashwire is Valeria Amaral. She’s incredibly talented and her style is very relatable!


What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?

The most interesting thing I’ve seen this week is about this little boy’s journey with a brain tumor, Jakey, and how he and his family are fighting with faith. He was close to passing away last week but with the army of people praying, the little boy is doing better again!


When social distancing comes to an end, who is the first person you will see and why?

When social distancing comes to an end, the first person I will see is my one-year old nephew. He is growing so fast, and I haven’t been able to see him walk like in the videos his mom has sent me.