Designer Interview

By: FashWire
Sep 29, 2023 09:31 AM

When did you know you wanted to become a designer?

I was 16, sitting in a class, when a student walked in wearing the tallest platform shoes I had ever seen. I was fascinated that a piece of fashion could be sculpture. I started sketching and realized there are a billion things you can do. The fire was lit and has been burning ever since.


What is your earliest design memory for your brand?

I took a design class in NYC while still working as a repairman. The instructor, a footwear designer himself, pulled me aside and said I was born to design shoes, and he would write a letter to get me into any design school in Europe.


Where do you find inspiration?

I have gotten inspiration from architecture, art, nature, and even unusual inspirations like items from the salvage yard. You can find beauty almost everywhere.


What made you want to design women’s footwear?

It was the limitless possibilities of architectural and sculptural designs and what footwear could become.


“As a new designer, don’t stop. When you fall, get back up. Find your voice and protect it. It’s the most important thing you own and will set you apart.” 


When was your first industry experience and how did it impact you?   

It was working with a factory for the first time. I learned a lot about how I could push the limits of design within the factory process to create a commercial product.


What inspired you to name your brand?

While in an international school, the instructors always had trouble pronouncing student names, but, when they came upon my name, they would speak clearly and loudly…. Chris Donovan!


What did the beginnings of Chris Donovan Footwear look like?

Me and the will to be the next great Manolo, Louboutin, or Chanel.


What brand values are most important for Chris Donovan Footwear?

Superb craftsmanship innovation, empowerment, and comfort.


What was the toughest circumstance you overcame when just starting out your business?

Finding manufacturing as a new designer.  


How has the fashion industry changed since you first started out?

I haven’t been in the fashion world long and as a new company, we are always growing and making adjustments.


How does sustainability play a role in your brand? What sustainable measures has Chris Donovan Footwear taken to better the environment?

Our shoes are handmade in Italy and are made to last a lifetime.


What is one piece of advice you would give to a new designer?

As a new designer, don’t stop. When you fall, get back up. Find your voice and protect it. It’s the most important thing you own and will set you apart. 


“I want Chris Donovan Footwear to be recognized for our authenticity, uniqueness, and be a reminder for people to chase their passions. It’s never too late.”


What sets your brand apart from the rest?

I worked as a telephone repairman, and I spent most of my life as an outsider to fashion. This time gave me a unique voice being inspired by my surroundings and blue-collar background. When you see my shoes, you know they are designed by me.


What has been your biggest accomplishment to date?  

There are two. First is being recognized by Tim Gunn for my designs on Project Runway and second is winning the Fashion Group International Rising Star Award for accessories in New York.


What do you envision for the future of your brand?

I want to expand my retail presence and within the next few years have my own flagship store.


What should customers expect to see next from Chris Donovan Footwear?

Shoes…Shoes….and more shoes. You will see more sculptural heels and in time, a menswear line.


What is the most important thing you would like your brand to be recognized for?

I want Chris Donovan Footwear to be recognized for our authenticity, uniqueness, and be a reminder for people to chase their passions. It’s never too late.