Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Feb 25, 2021 09:29 AM

What was your previous work experience before launching your brand?

I have worked for several years in marketing and sales for a multinational corporation in the eyewear industry. Fashion was already part of my job, but I soon realized that I was eager to express my own vision of fashion by creating a new brand.


What is your earliest design memory for the BUN brand?

BUN’s story starts within Padovafurs, a well-established company in the fur industry. My first memory connected to the brand is the constant experimentation and research. We wanted to re-invent the fur element by combining it with unconventional fabrics and materials.


"My main source of inspiration is women themselves."


Where do you find inspiration?

My main source of inspiration is women themselves. I am amazed by the way they adapt their personal style to fit their fast-paced lives. I always try to find new solutions that could fit their lifestyle, combining glamour with the practical needs of everyday life.


Do you have a favorite piece that you have designed? 

My favorite piece is BUN57, a 3-in-1 technical jacket. I think it represents my own personality! It’s easy, practical and extremely versatile, as it can be used both during winter and mid-seasons. It’s the jacket I’d choose to travel, to go to work or on a Sunday trip out of town. I also love the fabrics and its handmade details.


What would you like your brand to be recognized for?

I would love to see BUN garments recognized as timeless staples. The high-quality fabrics and elegant designs make them durable, eternal items that you can keep wearing for years.


How important is social media to your brand?

Instagram allows us to express our identity, core values and connect with our audience – sharing ideas about fashion and finding inspiration and motivation.  


What is your favorite fashion film or show?

Without a doubt, it’s “The Devil wears Prada”! Fashion is often looked upon as frivolous and the film reveals how much passion and hard work is required when working in this competitive industry.


How would you describe your personal style?

My personal style perfectly matches BUN’s aesthetic; easy, practical and contemporary. I like to feel comfortable while facing my daily life with the best energy, while also feeling unique and stylish on special occasions.


"Don’t chase fads, keep focusing on your identity."


What’s the best piece of business advice you’ve heard? Do you follow it?

I was once told: “Don’t chase fads, keep focusing on your identity”. Building a strong DNA to the brand is what we work on every day. We want our customers to be able to identify with BUN and feel part of a great family with real values and a true passion.


Do you feel working in the fashion industry is different today than from when you started out? Why or why not?

I have been working in the fashion industry for the last 6 years and I can personally say that good days have filled our past. I am now very focused on the current situation and on the future, as I hope that it will be full of opportunities and surprises for us all.