Virtual Visionaries

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:00 AM

You've seen her sharing style finds and fashion knowledge on every network from NBC's The Today Show to E! News.  We talk with Brooke Jaffe about everything from her early days at Vogue Magazine in the accessories department, to the covetable position she held as as Women's Fashion Director for Bloomingdale's for ten years, and her current passion for helping brands reimagine the future of retail.   


Brooke, where are you currently based?   

Los Angeles, California.


Where can we stay in touch with you day-to-day?

I am on Instagram at @brookejaffestyle.


Personal style?       

Aspirational French girl, classic with a twist, slightly preppy.


Fashion icons?           

Kate Moss and Emmanuelle Alt.


What are you currently working on?        

Writing articles and producing video content for brands that is relevant for the time we live in.


Where do you find your greatest inspiration?   

People who are authentic, unfiltered and brave.


How did you get your start in fashion?   

I worked as an accessories assistant at Vogue Magazine.


Top three fashion experiences you have had?          

Traveling to London, Milan and Paris every year for ten years to cover the runways and market on behalf of Bloomingdales, developing exclusive merchandise with designers and brands for the 100 percent Bloomingdales campaigns, working right out of college for Vogue and In Style Magazines.  I was exposed to the most talented stylists and creators in the industry.


"I miss being up to my eyeballs in everything and I frankly miss touching clothes everyday!"


Greatest talents you have had the opportunity to work with?            

Michelle Kessler-Sanders at Vogue Magazine, Tony Spring the CEO of  Bloomingdale's, Frank Doroff the Former Vice Chair and GMM Women's Ready-to-Wear at Bloomingdale's and Caroline Maguire the Fashion Director at Shopbop.


What do you miss about day-to-day life in the fashion industry?      

The insanity and the pace. I miss being up to my eyeballs in everything and I frankly miss touching clothes everyday! The madness of prepping for shoots, going to market appointments, traveling for weeks on end to Europe and bonding with my incredible teammates. I miss it all. 


Any fashion discoveries you have personally made recently that you love?

I can’t live without sweatpants from Monrow. The brand “I stole my boyfriend's shirt” was a new find. I am also very inspired to elevate my workout gear.  I just discovered a brand called Year of Ours and I am loving the new direction of Tory Burch Sport especially the leggings that resemble riding jodhpurs. 


"The opportunity is with content that leverages honesty and real expertise that brings more fun back to fashion."


How have you pivoted and reinvented yourself?          

I’m really focused on bringing an honest voice to content creation that is approachable and leveraging my experience in editorial, retail, and start-ups. I enjoy helping reimagine and support brands that are in a rut.


Where do you see the greatest opportunity for innovation in fashion?        

The opportunity is with content that leverages honesty and real expertise that brings more fun back to fashion.


What are you most excited for post Q?  

Seeing my friends and colleagues in person, traveling again and steak frites.


Trend in the Q you love?   

Tie-dye everything, jumpsuits and the return of comfortable shoes. I love all the retro sneakers and Birkenstocks. I adore following legendary chefs on Instagram and seeing what they are cooking at home.  Jean-Georges Vongerichten is amazing!


Trend in the Q you don't?

People who don’t wear masks.


Ultimate outfit to host Live Stories or on Zoom Calls?             

Does a blow dry count as part of my outfit? A bright color on top usually. I have a See By Chloé sweater in acid green that looks good on camera. I am going for tops with personality. I love a good puff shoulder tee shirt. I just got a great one from Cinq à Sept.


What is your new daily routine?      

It includes walking my dog 4x a day with my boyfriend. We walk him up to 1.5 miles when we wake up. I workout; 1 hour of Tracy Anderson usually in the morning and aim to workout 5 days a week. We cook almost everything we eat and enjoy the process a lot. There is a lot of desk time at my dining room table where I work on projects, writing assignments and take calls. I keep Monday through Friday extremely structured and try to accomplish one big thing each workday. I take breaks to allow myself to try new things. I’ve been cooking up a storm and teaching myself how to bake which has been a lot of fun. We're currently watching Billions and watched Devs, High Fidelity, a Jerry Seinfeld special and the Other Missy.  We've made a choice to minimize television news.


Best quarantine purchase?            

Monthly Tracy Anderson streaming and a Purple Carrot subscription.


Who have you reconnected with during the Q that makes you smile?        

My high school classmates. We have done 3 Zoom cocktails and it’s been really fun!