Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 09:44 AM

Where was the name derived from? Is there a significance to the name?

The name Ben-Amun was inspired by the designer's eldest son’s name (Ben), and the King of Ancient Egypt- times of the Pharaos (Isaac's homeland) named Tutankhamun. The Amun means the God Sun- the ultimate ruler in ancient Egyptians culture.


What sets Ben-Amun apart from other jewelry collections?

The craftsmanship, which is all made in New York City, quality, and relevant to what is happening in fashion, yet is timeless and can be worn forever.


"Fashion moves at a much faster pace now, therefore it became less personal."


How is working in fashion different today than from when you started out?

Fashion moves at a much faster pace now, therefore it became less personal. Also, it is more e-commerce driven. I feel we lose being in touch with the client.


What is your favorite part about designing jewelry?

Seeing it being worn and cherished.


Where do you draw inspiration from to create your designs?

History, Travel and often visits to the museums.


"I want our customers to feel powerful, self-confident, and beautiful."


How would you want your customers to feel when they wear a piece from Ben-Amun?

I want our customers to feel powerful, self-confident, and beautiful.


How would you describe your personal style?

Modern classics but a bit eclectic.


What is your favorite fashion trend? Least favorite?

Favorite: Opulence

Least favorite: Minimalism


Are you passionate about something other than fashion?

Art and wood sculpture. I make a lot of art pieces which can be seen on my website: www. isaacmanevitz.com


What is next for the Ben-Amun brand? What can we look forward to seeing in the upcoming collections?

A more concentrated effort to expand into e-commerce and continuing to design very unique pieces of jewelry.