Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:00 AM

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer?

I have had a love of diamonds since I was young girl that I got from one of my great grandfathers, who was a well-known jeweler in Prague. I feel this inspiration deep inside me. I believe I am blessed as it doesn't require much for me to imagine elegant designs and bring them to life.


When did you land your first internship and what was the most valuable thing you learned from this experience?

Twenty-five years ago, I was lucky to have worked in a workshop in Antwerp. That's what gave me the idea to create my jewelry line and to pursue a career on my own creating designs that I felt were right for women to wear every day, in any circumstance, to be classy and elegant.


What was your first position out of college?

I was a French teacher. I was hesitant about going entirely into jewelry or keeping a more sustainable career. Launching your own brand requires a lot of time, energy and money, which I didn't have at the time.


What did you wear to your first job interview?

A classic suit.


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be?

Go for it without any hesitation.


"For me, fashion relates to elegance, sophistication, creativity, and being able to create beautiful things that catch the attention."


What was the biggest rookie mistake you made when just starting out?

Listening to others’ opinions.


How is working in fashion different today than from when you started out?

Social media is changing everything.


What role do you think it plays in fashion today?

Social media is accelerating trends.


How do you define fashion?

For me, fashion relates to elegance, sophistication, creativity and being able to create beautiful things that catch the attention.


How would you describe your personal style?

Classy, classic and sporty chic.


What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

No fear at all! It might not sound humble, but I only had the determination to create more and more beautiful pieces.


What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Strengths: determination, commitment and dedication.

Weakness: impatience.


What made you want to expand your business from just designing clothing to various collaborations?

To see that people liked the brand more and more. It gave me wings to fly higher.


What is your favorite part about being a designer?

To imagine and dream of a beautiful woman wearing my creations.


How do you want women to feel when wearing your jewelry?

To feel elegant and sure of themselves because they are wearing pure and noble elements.


Where do you draw inspiration from for your designs?

Inspiration for my new designs comes from my taste for the beautiful and luxurious things which I have had since I am a child.


Are you passionate about something other than fashion?

My family. They are my everything.


What has been your biggest accomplishment to date?

My two sons. One is a medical surgeon and one a dental surgeon.


What is your favorite fashion brand?

Chanel until now, but let's see how they are evolving.


What advice would you give to young designers?

Never give up your dream that you believe in and try to find ways to let your talent be known and grow it.


You are currently based in Dubai. Is that where you are originally from?

No, I am originally from Belgium. It's a lovely country, but I prefer to live in Dubai where it's more vibrant and open to new concepts and ideas.


What do you enjoy about Dubai?

It is very energy stimulating and cosmopolitan.


"Everything in Dubai is gold and the sun shines like diamonds."


Does being in Dubai inspire your designs?

Yes! Everything in Dubai is gold and the sun shines like diamonds.


What inspired your brand name?

Aqua = Water in Latin. A drop of water as clear and transparent as a diamond.


How would you define the Aquae Jewels customer?

Every Woman. Diamonds for every woman, every day.


If you could visit one place in the entire world, where would it be and why?

I love the United States, and there are still a few more places that I haven’t visited there and the South of France.  Provence, is one of my favorite places in the world. We go there often.


What can consumers expect to see next for summer?

Some more new and gorgeous designs. Probably a few diamond anklets to add sparkle this summer.