Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Feb 11, 2021 02:58 PM

When did you know you wanted to become a designer?

Since I was a child. I used to cut our house curtains to make clothes for my dolls. My mother was not really pleased to say the least, but that is how I started!


What is your earliest design memory for your brand?

I used to make Brazilian friendship bracelets with colorful silk threads and sell them to my school friends when I was about 12 years old. This is where I started to experiment with handmade jewelry, using bold colors and different materials.


"Traveling has always been my main source of inspiration."


Where do you find inspiration?

I am very lucky to have an international background. Traveling has always been my main source of inspiration; having the opportunity to experience different cultures, learning local crafts, and visiting incredible world wonders. Sadly, COVID-19 has put a stop to that, but I am very much looking forward to traveling again soon.


Where is your favorite place to travel? Why?

The best place I have ever visited was Cambodia. I adored the shrines, culture, and people. I really look forward to visiting again one day.


Do you have a favorite piece that you have designed? 

The Venus Pearl Shell Earrings were our first bestseller. I am therefore emotionally attached to that piece because it made a huge impact on our brand’s visibility.


What were some hurdles you had to overcome in your business?

Since all our items are handmade, we had to overcome the ability to produce fast enough to fulfill client demands without compromising the quality of our jewelry.


What sets your brand apart from the rest?

Our jewelry is entirely sustainable. Every material we use is either recycled from vintage pieces or fully ethical.


"I love when you are inspired by something and have to translate it into a jewelry piece."


What is your favorite part about designing?

I love the initial part of the design process; when you are inspired by something and have to translate it into a jewelry piece.


How important is social media to your brand?

It is essential! It is your one free marketing platform where you entirely control the content and have immediate feedback from followers.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to a new designer?

Being a designer is also being an entrepreneur, which means you need to know many other skills before starting your own brand. Make sure you spend time working in a fashion startup to learn the ropes before you set up on your own.


What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

I am the most impatient person you will ever meet but also the very best at multi-tasking.


How would you describe your personal style?

Feminine, colorful and timeless.


What is your favorite fashion film or show?

Sex and the City! That show was pretty much my fashion bible through Art school.


What do you envision for the future of your brand?

I would like to expand into more sustainable fashion accessories and a jewelry line for little girls.