Virtual Visionaries

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:00 AM

We had a socially distanced sit-down with Aliza Licht to discuss today's fashion landscape, the moment she unveiled herself as famed social media star #DKNYPRGIRL and, of course, what's occupying her time in quarantine.  Herewith, 20 quick fire questions with an industry icon and her notorious advice to, LEAVE YOUR MARK.  


Aliza, while you’re virtually everywhere, where are you currently based? 

Bridgehampton, New York.


And where we can we stay engaged with you?

On Instagram @alizalichtxo and @leaveyourmarkpodcast.


Describe your personal style? 

Chic with a capital C.


Fashion icon?



What are you currently working on? 

The American Influencer Council and the LEAVE YOUR MARK Podcast.


Where do you find your greatest inspiration? 



How did you get your start in fashion? 

I was an accessories intern at Harper’s Bazaar.


"Who doesn't love risking their life for fashion?"


What are your top three most memorable fashion moments? 

  • Producing the Donna Karan and DKNY Spring fashion shows in the middle of a hurricane in Central Park because who doesn't love risking their life for fashion?
  • I had to charter a private plane to bring a dress to a celebrity with 20 minutes to spare before the red carpet of an awards show. This happened to be on my birthday, and I called Tina Craig @bagsnob, and within 15 minutes, she had gotten me a G4 through a friend. All I had to do was pay for the gas. I'll never forget when I called my CFO and said, can I expense $23,000? 
  • Revealing myself as the person behind the anonymous DKNY PR GIRL #DKNYPRGIRL social media personality. I had been anonymous for two years and “came out” in a behind the scenes video for fashion week. I tweeted the video while doing a camp tour with my son. The tweet resulted in 230 million media impressions while I was literally touring the grounds. It was the craziest example of work/life balance ever.


Greatest talents you have had the opportunity to work with? 

Donna Karan, Liz Tilberis, Patrick Demarchelier, Peter Lindbergh, Cate Blanchett, Sandra Bullock, Susan Sarandon, Emilia Clarke, Viola Davis, Greta Gerwig, Sofia Vergara, Taylor Swift, and the list goes on!


What do you miss about your day-to-day life? 

Getting dressed and going out my front door.


What are you most excited for post quarantine?

Going out for drinks and dinner!


What is your new daily routine?

Gym into Zoom calls and at least one podcast recording a week.


"I was a corporate marketing and communications person my entire career, and now I am a female founder."


So many are forced to pivot at this time. Share about when you reinvented yourself.

I was a corporate marketing and communications person my entire career, and now I am a female founder. My consultancy focuses on creative brand marketing and digital strategy, and my LEAVE YOUR MARK book and podcast have taken on a life of their own, especially during the pandemic.


Where do you see the greatest opportunity for innovation in fashion?

Revisiting the fashion calendar and production cycles and starting over with a strategy that makes sense today.


Any fashion discoveries that you have recently made?

Leggings lie.


Have any new items become staples in your wardrobe?

Sneakers! I would rather die than wear them before the pandemic.


Trend in quarantine that you love?

Realizing that parent/teacher conferences never have to be in person again.


Trend in quarantine that you don't?

No makeup. I make sure to get dressed and wear makeup every day. That is my normal.


Ultimate outfit to host Instagram Live Stories in or on Zoom calls?

Puff sleeve top and floral headband.


Top 3 favorite brands on Fashwire?

The Mannequin CollectionByron Lars Beauty MarkJoosooloo.  LOVE these brands and discovered them on Fashwire!


Licht is the author of the best-selling book LEAVE YOUR MARK and host of the LEAVE YOUR MARK podcast, which offers fresh career advice every Sunday. LEAVE YOUR MARK has been translated into Spanish, Chinese, and Russian and is ranked #8 in the Book Authority's "100 Best Career Development Books of All Time." Licht writes a career advice column on Forbes.com and LinkedIn, and she was dubbed one of America's "Next Top Mentors" by The New York Times. As the former DKNY PR GIRL #DKNYPRGIRL social media personality, she is an award-winning digital strategist, a TEDx speaker, was named one of Time's "Six Women Who Rule the Fashion World" and was listed as #30 in the "Top 50 Most Powerful Women in New York," by The New York Daily News.