Designer Interview

By: FashWire
Oct 10, 2022 12:17 PM

When did you know you wanted to become a designer?

After I accepted the fact that I would never have superpowers.


Where do you find inspiration?

All around. Some people need visual stimulus and others require verbal, but inspiration is everywhere if you’re searching for it.


What was your previous work experience before launching your brand?

I worked for several companies before launching our brand. During that time, I realized that presenting designs to people that didn’t have any background in design was a silly way to go about it. I guess you could say I was a bit disappointed in how most companies are structured.


What sets your brand apart from the rest?

Our light-hearted attitude contradicted by our intense product-focused approach to product design sets us apart from the rest. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but at the same time, we sweat over the smallest of details in our products.


“Social Media has allowed small brands the ability to reach the consumer directly without being held hostage by old establishments and old relationships of the past.”


What inspired you to name your brand?

Aside from the obvious innuendos, it was my Canadian business partner who casually strolled up to a few of us hanging out by the water cooler and said, “hey guys, what do you think about calling it 2 under? Not a bad score in golf, eh?”


Do you find it difficult to have a brand based in Vancouver, Canada?

No, not really. I live in Utah; my business partner spends half his time in Vancouver and the other half in Palm Springs. So, we’re more of a cloud-based company anyways.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to a new designer?

The one piece of advice I would give to an upcoming designer is to never take advice from anyone willing to give it. Most people have terrible advice.


What is your favorite fashion trend? Least favorite?

With the concept of good design in mind, any trends that include elements or elaborations on products that don’t have a real functional purpose are the worst.


How has the fashion industry changed since you first started out?

Accessibility; Social Media has allowed small brands the ability to reach the consumer directly without being held hostage by old establishments and old relationships of the past.


“I envision a world where the consumer has the power to purchase products from smaller and more talented companies.”


What can consumers expect to see next from your brand?

That is top-secret information.


What is the most important thing you would like your brand to be recognized for?

Our non-compromising dedication to quality in everything that we make.


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be? 

Invest in Apple, Tesla, and Bitcoin stock early.


What is one thing you look for when interviewing a potential candidate for your company?



What do you envision for the future of your brand?

I envision success. I envision a world where the consumer has the power to purchase products from smaller and more talented companies.